This Chinese Professor Built His Own Mountain Retreat In The Middle Of The City

This professor’s home may look serene, but his neighbors aren’t feeling very zen about it. He built a garden getaway on top of his building in the middle of a bustling city.

Zhang Lin didn’t bother checking with them before he began the elaborate construction project, nor with city officials for that matter. He’s been described as “eccentric,” but this goes a little beyond any endearing quirk I’ve ever seen.

Lin has spent the last 6 years building his mountain home on top of this apartment complex.

Looking as if it was carved out of an actual mountain, the design in certainly impressive.

However, the residents below him remain unimpressed with the constant din of construction and cracks in their ceilings.

They live in fear that the entire building will collapse under the weight.

Several homes are flooded each time it rains.

Drains and pipes have also suffered from his rocky abode.

It was a simple attic apartment when Lin purchased the property.

City officials have finally taken notice of the unapproved home and are stepping in to examine its safety issues.

While it does seem like a lovely place to live, the cost on his neighbors is clearly too high.

Unless the professor can prove the structure is in fact safe, which seems like a long shot, he will be forced to tear it down. I’m sure his neighbors can’t wait.

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