A Creative College Student Built Amazing Super Hero Costumes From Scratch

People like to express their fandoms for comics, games, movies, and television shows in their own unique ways.

Some fans keep their obsessions on the down low. They don’t dress up in costumes or go to conventions, but they still enjoy particular comic books or movies in their own private way. And then…there’s the other kind of fan. Their outward and obvious dedication can be seen from a mile away.

Once such example is Binqun Zu, a student at Shanghai University of Technology, who is taking fandom to the next level with his project.

Zu has been a comic book fan his entire life, and wanted to find a way to commemorate how much he and his friends love comic book super heroes.

So Zu decided to put a lot of time, and physical and mental energy into constructing amazing consumes based on his and his friends favorite super heroes.

Zu’s amazing costume project has been going on since 2012 when he was just a sophomore in college.

You may think that these look store bought, but Zu buys and puts together all of the materials used for this costumes himself.

With a meticulous attention to the details of the costumes used in the movies these costumes are based of off, Zu has produced these outfits with remarkable accuracy.

So far, Zu has completed a Batman suit, two Iron Man suits, a Captain America suit, and a Thor suit. And he still has time for school!

Zu hopes to have his full set of costumes completed for the premiere of the new Avengers installment coming out next summer. From the looks of it, it seems like he will definitely reach his goal.

(via: dailydot.com)

Binqun Zu has done an absolutely amazing job with these costumes. You really have to admire someone putting their talent, effort, and passion together to create something awesome.

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