Here Are 10 Talking Animals That Are Hilarious…And Surprisingly Smart

We all talk to our pets… But wouldn’t it be great if they could talk back? A wagging tail and a rub against your leg is nice now and then, but it’d be pretty amazing to hear an “I love YOU,” too. These humans are incredibly lucky because their animals tell them exactly what’s on their minds.

Mishka has a lot to say, including “I love you,” and “I’m hungry.”

This cat really, REALLY doesn’t like what’s happening, and has made that abundantly clear.

Can you just get this dog a cat, already?!

This cat is really eager to find his friend Long Johnson.

This pup says “Hello!”

Clover knows more than 350 words!

These dogs love their moms.

Who knew lambs were so agreeable?

This cat really does not want to take a bath.

But, this cat accidentally revealed his deep dark secret to his human – he actually speaks dog.

*Ahem* “No, uh, that was some dog from across the street. Nothing to see here…”

What a lucky bunch of humans! What do you wish your pet said to you?

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