Teens Who Made Incredible Scientific Discoveries In 2014

Science! It’s what makes the world go ’round–well, one of the things, anyway, but there’s no denying that science is pretty great. From your medicine cabinet to your phone to your understanding of the universe, you have science to thank. Some people might find science daunting, but, like anything else, it’s a learnable skill that gets more accessible with practice. Of course, some people have a natural inclination to the sciences, and that’s who we’re honoring today.

2014 saw some amazing breakthroughs of all kinds, but there were a number of scientific discoveries made by some awesomely bright teenagers from around the world. From revolutionizing the manufacture of plastics to finding key elements of cancer treatment, these teens took their passion and used it to potentially change the world.

There are incredible scientific discoveries and experiments created every year by surprisingly young people from all over the world. Their breakthroughs just might help future generations, and even more will happen in the years to come. Let’s hear it for science!

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