22 Pets That Are Having Trouble Understanding How Anesthesia Works

After a visit to the dentist or the surgeon, we’re never in our best form. The painkillers prescribed to make the next 24-72 hours bearable leave us vulnerable, a little goofy, and definitely confused. Ultimately, though, we understand that we’re best off if we stay in bed, eat ice cream, and binge-watch Friends until we feel better.

Our pets, on the other hand, think that they can run out of their carrier case immediately following a vet visit involving anesthesia. The thing is, they probably aren’t going to make it far, and there isn’t really much us humans can do except keep a close eye on them and make sure they don’t do anything too bold. We can keep them out of harm’s way and comfort them – but it’s inevitable that they’ll stumble around for a little bit. It’s also inevitable it’ll be pretty hilarious.

1. Almost. To. The. Food.


2. …Close enough.

3. “Imma just be right here.”

4. “I SWEAR I could do this in like two seconds yesterday.”

5. “Walk in a straight line? No problem.”

6. Sitting is pretty difficult, too.

7. But the stairs have never been more fun!

“I am a slinky!”

8. “Trust. No one.”

9. “Except my human. Trust only my human.”

10. I think this beautiful blue kitty thinks he’s a puppy. Don’t tell him about this tomorrow.

He won’t remember, and it would only embarrass him.

11. This little guy is ready for anything…

He’s got his diaper (with a tail hole) and a hospital gown.


13. “And this bed has never felt bed-ier…”

14. “Nor the floor floor-ier.”

15. “Can’t. Multitask. Breathing comes first, keeping tongue in mouth, second.”

16. “Everything around me is so wiggly.”

17. “Woah, I am super handsome right now.”

“All the ladies go crazy for the q-tip look, right?”

18. “Don’t. Move. There’s a tiny green man behind you.”

19. “How’d it become MY responsibility to take care of this one after the vet?”

20. “If your world is spinning, spin with it.”

“That’s what I always like to say.”

21. “Nnnnnnno! I dunneed – I donneed your help. Leave me ‘lone”

22. Good idea, Mittens, go to bed.

We’ll see you in the morning. Rest up!

While sometimes it might be hard to watch our furry friends stumble around in a hazy daze, remember it’s better than watching them get even more sick. Wasn’t it Gandhi who said, “It’s better to laugh with our pets, than it is to mourn that which cannot be avoided?” (Actually, don’t quote me on that.)

Just remember, when it comes to your drugged-up animal, safety first. Then, hilarity.

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