These Drooling Animals Are Going Through Some Existential Stuff Right Now

Have you ever been sitting on your couch, only to look over and see your dog or cat staring blankly into space, possibly with a generous amount of slobber hanging from their lips? You might be thinking, “There he goes again, dreaming about dinner or when I’ll take him out to chase that bird he’s had this ongoing rival with.” But, what if there’s way more than that going on in his little furry noggin? Your pet might have some surprisingly profound notions.

1. “If I have six stomachs, can I eat six pizzas without getting nauseous?”

2. “Is a sweater vest still really a sweater, if it has no arms?

“Define: sweater.”

3. “Pots are like prison for plant roots.”

4. “If I can’t see color, how do I know when the grass is greener?”

5. “People who walk fast or run on the street see more people in their lifetime than people who walk really slow…”

6. “Before you throw that penny in the Leave One Take One jar, ask yourself..”

“‘Do you think, maybe, Oprah held this penny?'”

7. “Is it ‘GIF,’ like ‘gift,’ or ‘JIF,’ like the peanut butter?”

“Who gets to decide?”

8. “Do you ever wonder if Phish ever had Phish Food from Ben & Jerry’s?”

“If so, did they like it? Has this all been one elaborate lie?”

9. “Why is ‘dusk’ called ‘dusk’? Why not ‘nwad,’ ‘dawn’ backwards?”

10. “Maybe I am the real Superman and I just didn’t know it until this very moment.”

11. “What if he never stopped throwing the ball? I think I’d fetch forever.”

“Infinity fetch. Eternal fetch.”

12. “What if Santa is real, and we’re all made-up?”

13. “How many words do you think you have said, total, in your lifetime?”

“One billion? Trillion? Has the number even been discovered?!”

14. “If two is better than one, but less is more…well, which is it?”

15. “What if every time you napped, it turned to a new day when you woke up?”

“Would you get older faster? What if you never napped? Would you stay the same age forever? Did I just stumble on immortality?”

16. “You will never be…”

“As young as you are RIGHT now.”

17. “If a mirage is a mind trick, can I ever be tricked into thinking a non-mirage is a mirage? A double mirage?”

18. “You eat pizza from the inside out.”


Is your mind blown? Mine is. I had no idea animals could dig this deep into their psyches. What do you think your pet thinks about when he’s staring at that blank wall?

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