This Guy Built His Brother An Awesome Chess Table Made Of Pennies

Especially during this time of year, it’s greatly appreciated when you take time out of your busy schedule to do something nice for a family member. Often, we get so wrapped up in just crossing another person off our gift list that we neglect to think about what they might actually appreciate and want. When you take the time to make something you know they will love, putting your own creative spin on it, those are arguably the best and most memorable gifts around. It gives your loved ones a sense of how important they really are in your life.

One guy did this for his brother, building him a chess table for Christmas – but not just any chess table.

First he had to choose the table – this would do the trick, after some revamping, of course.

Here’s the builder’s friend, lending a helping hand as they reconstructed the tabletop and reinforced the base so that it was sturdier.

After some necessary elbow grease, the table looks like new! Now, it was time to turn it into a chess table. But how would he make his brother’s chess table unique?

This was a pretty tedious process, involving a ton of careful work and time.

Once the pennies were arranged to create a chess board, epoxy was used to seal them to the surface. There you have it – a penny chess table.

The table was a gift for the builder’s brother, who loves chess and was moving into his first apartment after college. As you can see, he really appreciated it.

(source Reddit)

It’s a great feeling when you can take the time to make your family and friends the presents they deserve. You get to show them how much you really know them – maybe they mentioned off-hand something they really needed or wanted. Even if it doesn’t turn out exactly how you planned, it really is the thought that counts.

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