This Man Chose To Live On The Street Instead Of Giving Up His Pit Bull Pup

It’s not uncommon to see homeless people on the streets with pets. And while it might be easy to pass judgment, consider this: Many would rather live on the street than give up their animals.

Meet Dave Antonucci. He lived in Linden, New Jersey, and chose homelessness over a proper place to live. He didn’t want to leave his pit bull, Petey, on the street alone. He receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI), but refuses to abandon Petey in order to be eligible for assisted living or homeless shelters. None of the ones in the area allow pets. The pair would walk the streets for miles each day, and if no one offered a place to stay, they’d spend the night in their makeshift shelter by the town’s train tracks.

Recently, a local man named Bob Scutro started a fundraiser for the two, with the intention of finding them rent-free housing for a full year. Scutro wanted to give Antonucci enough time to get back on his feet and on the road to supporting himself and his pup. The response to the effort was incredible, and after a news broadcast, many of Dave’s friends reached out, offering places to stay. He’s now staying with an old friend in his hometown of Rahway, NJ.

Here’s Antonucci with his “son,” Petey. He’s raised him since he was a little pup.

This is where they were staying near the train tracks.

Here’s Petey resting up on Scutro’s couch with some new toys a stranger bought for him. Scutro offered to house the pair for a night when they had nowhere else to go. Petey couldn’t have been happier with his new toys and a clean, warm couch to snooze on.

“The next morning when I walked in and saw Dave and Petey warm and sound asleep on the couch with their arms around each other, not even knowing I was there, it made me know it was the right thing,” he commented.

The response to Scutro’s effort to help the duo has been immense, and he’s now trying to figure out what exactly to do with all of the resources that came in.

Though Antonucci is on his way to a better life, there are still many others like him in similar situations. Should you come across someone in need, think of this story and see if there is anything you can do to help out. Even if it is as simple as walking into the supermarket and bringing some food or a dog bed out to a person or pup in need, a good Samaritan can make all the difference.

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