These 26 Video Game Glitches Will Give You Nightmares For Days

If you ever played a video game, you’ve probably experienced a glitch. Sometimes, a weird glitch in the game defies the laws of all human physics or gravity. This is often due to a bug in the game or an accidental exploit you might find in the game’s code. Below are some of the most ridiculous and mind-bending video game glitches that will probably keep you up at night. Just looking at them makes me a bit queasy.

1. Which hurt worse: the stairs or going through the barricade?

2. That would be an incredible pitch.

3. Someone get this guy to a chiropractor.

4. Use your head…as the ball.

5. Brace yourself!

6. Baseball is magic.

7. That’s a big ole thumbs up.

8. Just keep swimming.

9. The astronaut soccer player.

10. No words for this.

11. Poor construction man.

12. Pirouette walking.

13. Those eyes.

14. It’sa ME…MARIO…WTF?!

15. Gimme a smooch.

16. Don’t mind me.

17. Well, that’ll keep me up tonight.

18. Just keep swimming!

19. This dude really worked out his traps.

20. I didn’t think wrestling could get more fake.

21. She must’ve said something quite shocking.

22. Big bird in the matrix.

23. Nice gams.

24. Think I’ll just have a seat right here.

25. The double headed basketball star.

26. Scuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me.

I’m glad I don’t really play video games. Otherwise, some of these would haunt me if I ever saw them. That’s some scary stuff right there.

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