Everyday Items And Tiny Models Make For Incredibly Playful Worlds

Jan von Holleben photographs animals, trees, and bustling city streets. He also photographs dragons, jet packs, and science experiments with unexpected outcomes. All of these captured scenarios involve small children in some capacity.

Don’t worry, no children are put in the way of mythical fire-breathing beasts. The pictures are all genius creations from the Berlin-based photographer. By collecting everyday items like rain boots, pieces of clothing, and more, as well as several small children, von Holleben creates whimsical scenes full of color.

The photos are created with the subjects lying on the floor. Items are arranged around them in the shape of vehicles, animals, and structures. The whole thing is then photographed from above.

Everyday items found around the house—as well as some small models—are used to create these charming scenes.

(via My Modern Met)

Sometimes, individual photos are stitched together to create huge scenes of cities, forests, and even alien worlds.

Multiple images are combined to create a whole world.

You can see more of von Holleben’s work on his website. You can even check out some behind-the-scenes videos of von Holleben and his models creating these images in his studio, which he describes as a “colorful playground.”

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