You Sleep Daily, But You Probably Didn’t Know These 22 Freaky Facts About Sleep

Sleep is a wonderful thing. But considering how much time it takes up of our lives, over a lifetime you sleep an average of 26 YEARS, we definitely don’t know that much about it.

As it turns out, sleep is pretty fascinating. Sure, all we have to do is lay down and close our eyes, but what goes on after that is quite incredible. Don’t believe us? Check out these 22 facts below and try to tell us you weren’t shocked by at least one of them!

1. Humans are the only mammals on earth that actually willingly delay sleep.


2. Sleep apnea, a condition where you actually stop breathing, is the most common cause of sleep disruption.


It affects 90 million Americans.

3. Think sleep has nothing to do with your weight?


If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you tend to eat MORE due to decreased levels of leptin in your body.

4. People used to sleep in segments.


Before the invention of electricity, rather than sleeping through the night many people would sleep for a few hours, wake up, read, write, socialize, pray, or reflect, and then got back to sleep for another few hours before waking up for the day.

5. All-nighters are never good.


If you’re awake for 16 hours in a row, your mind’s ability to function is impaired, similar to the feeling when you have a blood alcohol level of .05%.

6. Color TV has changed the way we dream.


Prior to color film, only 15% percent of people dreamed in color. These days, 75% of people dream in color.

7. Higher altitudes increase the chance of sleep disruption.


Because there is less oxygen in the air, you’re more likely to wake because of an issue with your breathing.

8. You can control your dreams.


It’s called lucid dreaming and it involves becoming aware that you are dreaming, but not letting your mind wake itself up.

9. We dream for a reason.


According to some theorists, the reason dreams are so complicated and strange is because they enable you to think critically and solve problems while awake.

10. You can jump back into dreams.


If you wake up during a dream and want to get back into it, close your eyes quickly and keep your body very still. It doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a try for a good dream.

11. Let’s talk boners.


During R.E.M. sleep, many men experience what’s called nocturnal penile tumescence (erections). Scientists aren’t sure why it happens, but some speculate that a full bladder may be the cause.

12. Sex can be just as good in a dream.

While you’re sleeping, men and women can experience orgasms just as powerful, if not more so, as when they’re awake.

13. There’s a name for when your sleep schedule gets all messed up after a fun weekend…


Social jet-lag.

14. Dreams can predict the future.

According to multiple surveys, over a third of people have dreamt things that go on to happen in the future.

15. You only dream faces you’ve seen.

While you may not recognize many people in your dreams, you have seen them in real life before. Our minds are unable to create new faces and features. Even if you just glanced at a face in a crowd, your mind stores that information for later.

16. Sleep paralysis is a thing.


When you wake up but can’t move, this is called sleep paralysis. It is a weird limbo between when your mind is awake and asleep. If it happens to you, don’t worry, it will pass.

17. The demon in your room.


For some who experience sleep paralysis, there is a feeling of a demonic presence in their bedroom, watching them as they can’t move.

18. Not being able to drag yourself out of bed in the morning is a real condition.


It’s called dysania and could be a sign of depression, or nutritional problems.

19. Always feel like you get a little tired after lunch?


You’re actually most tired at two points in the day, 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thankfully (or hopefully) you’re asleep for one of those times.

20. Exercise helps you sleep.


Being active during the day can actually aid you in sleep. But, if you exercise too close to bedtime, it will backfire.

21. The position you sleep in is related to your personality.


For instance, sleeping in the fetal position suggests that someone longs to be in their comfort zone, and sleeping on your back with your arms at your side, called “the soldier,” suggests that someone is disciplined and has high expectations of themselves.

22. Animals and blind people dream.

People born blind don’t see images but still dream with their other senses. Those who went blind after birth do dream with images. And, if you’ve ever seen Fido moving his little paws or growling, you can rest assured he’s not going crazy, just chasing a squirrel in his sleep.

While the whole demonic dreaming thing isn’t too appealing, the rest of this definitely made me love sleep even more than I already did. Now, I’m really looking forward to just laying down, closing my eyes, and letting my mind and body do the rest!

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