24 Blissful Pets That Are More Relaxed Than Humans Could Ever Be – Prepare To Smile

Our pets may not live the hardest lives, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love a chill out session just as much as we do. In fact, they definitely love it even more. Maybe being super cute is also super exhausting.

Whatever the reason, these adorable animals could teach us all a thing or two about letting go and really relaxing.

1. That expensive massage chair you bought? Yeah, you never used it anyway…

2. “Care to join me, mi amor?”

3. “All I need is a mojito.”

4. Gotta make it just right.

5. Recovering after a long 10 minutes of playing fetch.

6. This is her favorite time of day.

7. Dog days of summer, indeed.

8. “Ahh, yes, that’s the spot.”

9. “Bad hair, don’t care.”

10. Couches have way more comfortable spots than we ever knew.

11. Most pets can relax and do yoga at the same time.

12. Attacking and eating plants can be so tiring.

13. The crack between the cushions is arguably the best spot on the couch.

14. Her tongue sticks out when she feels completely Zen (which is all the time).

15. Tangled up in a sweet dream.

16. How does the blood not rush to his head?

17. “It’s okay human, we can share your lap.”

18. He doesn’t fit…how is it so comfy?

19. Snuggles for days.

20. “That was a great bedtime story! Read it again.”

21. She takes her nightly bath at a precise 88.5°.

22. “I’ve done so well on my diet. I deserve this.”

23. He stayed like this until the sun went down.

24. “That’s the spot. How did you know?!”

Yep, I feel less stressed already just looking at these cute faces.

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