8 Things You Should Definitely Avoid Doing On New Year’s Eve This Year

There is often a ton of pressure associated with New Year’s Eve. Where are you going to go? Who are you going to see? Are you going to kiss anyone at midnight? People will pester you with questions and will inevitably make you feel insecure in your plans because their plans are “so much better.” Well, who needs that? Not you and not me.

With that in mind, these are the things you definitely shouldn’t do before the clock strikes 12.

1. Don’t make impossible resolutions.


Why would you set yourself up for failure like that? If your New Year’s Resolution is “I want to be the greatest actor in the world by 2016,” you will fail. Make small, baby step resolutions like, “Go on more auditions this year, or at least try to.” These goals are much more approachable and move toward your larger goal.

2. Don’t make plans you don’t want to keep.

Your friend invited you to go to their party and you said yes. You did this because you had nothing else to go to, but you really don’t want to go. Don’t go to that party. You know how it will end up. You won’t know anyone there, you will stand awkwardly against the wall, and then the host will keep coming up to you asking if you are having a good time. Go do something you WANT to do.

3. Don’t spend all night alone on your computer.

Don’t be a hermit on a day meant for celebrating! Go out somewhere reasonable with your friends. Or have a party at your place. Don’t sit on your computer looking at silly cat videos all night long, you can do that any day. At the very least, try out a new restaurant.

4. Don’t pass out drunk before midnight.

You don’t want to be the guy who got too drunk before midnight and is slumped over a table while an insane celebrity drops in. Even if there is no fun celebrity drop-in, you still shouldn’t be going THAT hard. It’s never good.

5. Don’t work New Year’s Eve.

It’s a holiday! Some restaurants are open on New Year’s Eve, and someone has to work those events. Make sure it isn’t you. Sure, there is usually great money involved in working New Year’s Eve, but what’s the point? You don’t get to enjoy one of the biggest party days of the year because you were stuck slinging appetizers to the rich people who could afford tickets to the party.

6. Don’t work the next day.

You’re going to go hard on New Year’s Eve. If you are scheduled to work the next day, use a sick day, a vacation day, or any kind of day to ensure that you will not be at work the next day.

7. Don’t fall asleep before midnight.

Is there anything lamer than being the person who falls asleep before midnight on New Year’s Eve? You didn’t get too drunk, and you didn’t party too hard; you just got a little snoozy. Wake up. This is a celebration that happens only once a year. Be a part of it. You sleep every night of your life. Don’t do it on New Year’s Eve, silly.

8. Don’t go to Times Square for the ball drop.

You are a sick human being if you want to do this. First of all, you have to get there like 10 hours in advance, stand there all day, and wait. Most people wear diapers so the don’t have to leave their spot. Avoid anything that requires you to wear a diaper in public.

If you avoid these things, you will have a great New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Hopefully, the year will be just as good for you and your loved ones. Additionally, I hope it will be a terrible year for your enemies, making your good year even better.

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