50 Things You Had No Idea They Had A Word For. Seriously, What?

You may think you know all there is to know about the English language, but guess what? You’re wrong. In fact, there’s just so much you don’t know, it’s hard to describe. Complicated and obscure grammar rules aside, there is even some vocabulary you’ve probably never run across before. 

These 50 strange words are actually extremely common things that you bump into probably every day. You just might not have known how weird the actually word for them was. (I wonder if there’s a word for something that blows my mind…)

1. Pilgarlic:

A bald head.

2. Philtrum:

The vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip.

3. Natiform:

Something resembling a butt.

4. Darkle:

Becoming cloudy or dark.

5. Pogonotrophy:

Growing and grooming a beard or other facial hair.


6. Cancatervate:

Heaping things into a pile.

7. Lemniscate:

The infinity symbol.

8. Dactylion:

The tip of the middle finger.

9. Poobah:

A powerful person.

10. Interrobang:

A punctuation mark designed for use especially at the end of an exclamatory rhetorical question; usually written as ?!

11. Interfenestration:

The space between two windows.

12. Caruncle:

The triangular, pink areas at the corner of your eyes.

13. Agelast:

A person who never laughs.

14. Kyphorrhinos:

A nose with a bump in it.

15. Duffifie:

Laying a bottle on its side for some time so that it may be completely drained of the few drops remaining.

16. Scintillate:

Emitting sparks.

17. Snellen chart:

The standard eye exam chart.

18. Cachinnate:

Laughing very loudly.

19. Preantepenultimate

Fourth from last.

20. Algedonic:

Something that is both painful and pleasurable.

21. Paresthesia:

The prickly feeling when your limb “falls asleep.”

22. Balter:

Dancing clumsily.

23. Petrichor:

The way it smells after it rains.

24. Grawlix:

A series of symbols commonly used in comics or cartoons to represent curse words.

25. Callipygian:

Having a shapely butt.

26. Nibling:

The gender-neutral term for nieces or nephews

27. Ailurophile:

A cat lover.

28. Phosphene:

A luminous impression due to excitation of the retina (stars you see when you rub your eyes).

29. Aglet:

The tag covering the ends of a shoelace.

30. Bruxism:

Involuntary habitual teeth grinding; usually during sleep.

31. Rasceta:

The lines on the inside of your wrist.

32. Rasher:

A thin slice of bacon.

33. Pandiculation:

Stretching when tired or when waking up.

34. Runcation:

Removing weeds.

35. Sciapodous:

Having large feet.

36. Crapulence:

Sickness from eating or drinking too much.

37. Muntin:

A strip separating panes of glass in a window.

38. Krukolibidinous:

Looking at someone’s crotch.

39. Griffonage:

Careless or illegible handwriting.

40. Brannock device:

The metal device used to measure your feet at a shoe store.

41. Steatopygic:

Having a large butt.

42. Gambrinous:

Being full of beer.

43. Tatterdemalion:

A person dressed in ragged clothes.

44. Accubation:

Eating or drinking while lying down.

45. Defenestrate:

Throwing a person or thing out of a window.

46. Tines:

The prongs of a fork.

47. Fourchette:

A strip or shaped piece used for the sides of the fingers of a glove.

48. Armscye:

The shape or outline of the armhole in clothing.

49. Lunule:

A crescent-shaped body part or marking (such as the whitish mark at the base of a fingernail).

50. Tittle:

The dot over i or j.

(Source: Distractify)

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