42 Perfect Photobomb Moments From Weddings. Say I Do… To Hilarity.

Everyone has high expectations when it comes to their perfect wedding day. Even if they’re trying to keep things simple with the decor, guest number or outfits, they still want the day to be as special and wonderful as possible.

…but they never account for the dreaded photobomb. These photobombers took their wedding invitation as an opportunity to wreak some havoc. And it’s hilarious.

1. Winner of worst best man photo.

2. A very nosey horsey.

3. You can already see how this marriage is gonna go.

4. Maybe she’s just another bridesmaid, guys.

5. Coolest officiant ever.

6. Is this a Captain Morgan ad?

7. “Look at all these sweet people waving for m– oh.”

8. Well, he wanted to know where babies come from.

9. Not the best time for an, ahem, adjustment.

10. The best seats for the ceremony.

11. Romance really is everywhere.

12. “Grandma said she’d be a little late, but you’ll know when she gets here.”

13. Hopefully the horse didn’t leave them an engagement present.

14. Remember planking?

15. This guy is just a big fan of weddings.

16. This guy is just so happy for the newlyweds.

17. The Zach Braff bomb.

18. Maybe it’s their favorite weird street performer.

19. Lots of good catches this day.

20. Hint: the bottom right corner.

21. So elegant.

22. This groomsman is over it.

23. “Hey why wasn’t I the flower girl??”

24. She’s more surprised than the woman being proposed to.

25. This kid probably isn’t used to not getting all the attention.

26. This dad has a lot on his hands.

27. “Oh gosh, you look so pretty!”

28. I think the goose was just as confused as we are about why they would pose like this.

29. At least it’s not the groom.

30. Still mad she wasn’t picked as maid of honor.

31. Jumping for joy at their beautiful union.

32. I don’t think this guy was even invited.

33. Just popping in.

34. I’m not sure the llama approves of this union.

35. Pro-tip: do not let your proposal get in the way of a baseball fan’s view of the game.

36. “Why didn’t you tell me the photos had started?”

37. Back off, Elvis.

38. The bride does not seem amused.

39. Everyone is a champion!

40. The lighting wasn’t right anyway.

41. This is just delightful.

42. “Fiiiiiinally.”

I do believe each and every one of these is priceless. The bride may be mad at first, but she’ll probably get over it by their golden anniversary.

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