18 Animals Who Use A Confidence Boost – Your Heart Will Melt To Pieces

We all have days where we just don’t feel like we’re shining as bright as we usually do. Even the smallest setback can send our self esteem from totally fine to darn near non-existent. And it looks like we aren’t the only ones.

These little guys seem to be having some issues with their confidence, too. You’d think it was impossible, considering they’re all such cuties. Whatever’s going on behind these adorable sad eyes, we’ll get through it together.

1. “Yep, this is where I belong.”

2. She’s gained a little weight since last winter.


3. “The other puppies call me Dumbo.”

4. “I’ll just live under here now.”

5. “You took away my glory.”

6. “Just leave me here. It’s fine.”

7. “I don’t even know what I am anymore.”

8. “Don’t look at me.”

9. He can’t bring himself to move into the more lavish digs.

10. “…I’m a fraud.”

11. “You tell me, I’m too scared to look.”

12. “I guess I brought this on myself.”

13. They asked if he was a good boy. He’s still trying to figure that out.


14. “I don’t deserve these.”

15. It won’t last forever, buddy.

16. He can’t even find the strength to get out of bed.

17. She doesn’t feel fancy enough for this feast.

18. How could something this cute look so sad??

Don’t worry, they were all quickly reminded of how much their owners love and adore them. Now that we think of it, this was probably just a genius ploy to score an extra treat or two.

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