14 Important Lessons We Learned In 2014 From These Epic Pinterest Fails

2014 has taught us so much. For instance, we now know all the reasons why we should never go outside. We know what’s out there in the world, thanks to Google Maps. And we’ve also seen some pretty shocking things this year, too. It might seem like a stretch, but Pinterest also provided a wealth of knowledge in 2014.

For one, if you’ve looked at a craft from the site and thought, “I imagine that could go horribly awry,” it definitely can (and probably will). So, before throwing yourself into an expert level Pinterest project in 2015, here are some lessons we’ve learned from a few epic Pinterest fails.

Lesson 1: Babies are terribly unprofessional when it comes to modeling. Thinking of trying to recreate this adorable fall photo?

Well, good luck with that.

Lesson 2: Dogs are also bad models.

Lesson 3: If you give kids a chance to get messy, they will.

These marbleized Easter eggs seem like a fun craft…

…the clean-up, not so much.

Lesson 4: Don’t make substitutions in a recipe you’ve never tried before.

These champagne Jell-O shots call for Pop Rocks. Here’s what happens when you try to make them with Nerds, instead.

Lesson 5: Coffee should remain in your mug or coffee pot.

This coffee bean body scrub is supposed to get rid of cellulite, but you’ll also reek of coffee afterwards, and have a bathtub full of coffee.

Lesson 6: One wrong fold and an innocent calzone can get NSFW pretty quickly.

Lesson 7: As a rule of thumb, baby shower fruit displays should not be absolutely terrifying.

This is definitely going to give me nightmares.

Lesson 8: Listerine is meant to clean your mouth, not your feet.

This pin claims Listerine and vinegar will take dead skin off your feet, but it will just turn them blue. On the bright side, they’ll be minty fresh.

Lesson 9: Don’t throw plastic in the dryer.

In this craft gone horribly awry, a woman tried to repurpose a bath loofah by crocheting it into something new. To sanitize it, she put the plastic netting in the washer and dryer. Plastic melts, guys.

Lesson 10: If you try to ice a cake or cookies while they’re still hot, the icing will melt.

Instagram/jackfossett and lehorner

That’s just science.

Lesson 11: If ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Pie is already delicious by itself.

Lesson 12: Leave nail art to the professionals.

Just go get a manicure!

Lesson 13: Kids are really good at breaking things.

Then again, this water blob project was just bound to go wrong.

Lesson 14: Chocolate-covered microwaves aren’t as delicious as chocolate-coated…anything else.

Burnt chocolate soup, anyone?

If you take away one thing from these 2014 Pinterest fails…just use your brain, people.

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